History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - CC Library


Essays for The Friends of the Central Council Library

Essays on bibliographical subjects are issued to the Friends annually, together with a newsletter. The thirty essays in this series have been written by three authors, to whom our thanks are due for their meticulous research and entertaining prose.

Members of The Friends will have access to the most recent essays by first logging in.

21. Canon Woolmore Wigram, M.A., Belfry Reform and Change-Ringing Disentangled by John Eisel, February 2014

Discusses the part this nineteenth century clergyman played in the Belfry Reform movement and in ringing in Cambridge and Hertfordshire.

22. The Rambling Ringers Club, Nov 29 1733 by William Willans, February 2015

A look into the activities of the club, it's founder, William Laughton, and the comments of later historians.

23. The remarks and collections of Thomas Hearne by William Willans, February 2016

The notes of an Oxford antiquarian.

24. A Nineteenth Century Notebook by William Willans, March 2017

The notebook of George Withey of Bristol

25. Ringing Out the Age by John Eisel, March 2018

John Eisel explores customs regarding ringing for deaths.

26. An Australian admirer by William Willans, March 2019

Based on the notebook of Ernest Behan, a ringer in Melbourne, Victoria.

27. Brave Sir John by William Willans, February 2020

An account of Sir John Egerton of Egerton.

28. Hoax by John Eisel, February 2021

It is shown here that hoax peal reports are not a modern invention.

29. The origins of the Durham Diocesan Association of Ringers by John Eisel, February 2022

The people and places.

30. William Longney of Longney by John Eisel, February 2023

The ringing career of William Longley in Gloucestershire in the nineteenth century

Records 21 to 30, of 30 © CCCBR. Material on this website may be freely used for any purpose in connection with the promotion of bell ringing. For any other purpose please contact us, Central Council
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