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The history of bellringers & bellringing - CCCBR Library |
The Library aims to provide a comprehensive, up-to-date source of information on bells and ringing, with particular emphasis on bells hung for full circle ringing and change-ringing in the ‘English’ tradition. It is not just an archive but a working collection, which is available not only to the serious researcher but also to the casual enquirer who wishes to find out something about some aspect of ringing. New CCCBR Library Collection ArrangementsThe Library Collection was moved from Worthen to the Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust (LBT) at the beginning of August 2024 and will be open to visitors from the beginning of October 2024. This is to allow time for the appointment of the new Library Stewards by the CCCBR Executive and for them to visit and become familiar with the new arrangements at Loughborough. Although the new Library Stewards once appointed will continue to help with historical enquiries on bells and bellringing, the new Library location means they will not have material to consult in an adjacent room. As a consequence ringers will be encouraged to use the new Library facilities at Loughborough themselves to undertake their own research where practical, although the Library Steward will still be able to help with enquiries when visiting Loughborough. The CCCBR Library Collection at Loughborough will be open to visitors wishing to consult publications Tuesday to Friday between 10am and 4pm. Visitors will need to book a visit in advance through the LBT contact (info@belltrust.co.uk) copied to the CCCBR Library Steward (librarysteward@cccbr.org.uk). Any requests to research the Taylor’s archive must go through the LBT contact separately. Visitors will need to sign in and then out again at the LBT Reception Desk on each visit and may be required to have their bags searched on leaving. A Reading Room at the LBT is available with access to electrical points to enable visitors to consult material and work during their visit. Visitors will be able to access the book storage with a member of LBT staff to select their reading materials, but then leave items on the table for LBT staff to put back in the bookcases at the end of the visit. If access to any further document is required then a member of the LBT staff will again help to facilitate this. Visitors will further need to ask permission from LBT staff before venturing elsewhere in the LBT given certain areas may have restricted access or be limited to specific visitor requirements. A few valuable items, including some early books and the badge collection, will be kept in a secure safe and permission to access these will need to be first sought from the CCCBR Library Steward before booking a visit to view these items. The Library Steward will inform the LBT when permission has been given. Visitors will have an item brought to them in the Reading Room and should handed it back to the appropriate LBT member of staff when they have finished consulting it (they should not be left unattended in the Reading Room). The LBT staff will then return them to the safe. Arrangements to borrow certain items from the Library Collection, for a period of up to 4 weeks, will continue to be available. Such requests will initially need to go to the CCCBR Library Steward who will liaise with the LBT to make suitable arrangements. Those requesting material will be required to cover the cost of post and packing. Items held in the secure safe will not be available for loan. Due to its fragile state the Carter Ringing Machine is to remain on permanent display at the LBT and is not available to borrow for external exhibitions and similar events. ![]() Chris Ridley Lead, Historical & Archive Working Group |
© CCCBR. Material on this website may be freely used for any purpose in connection with the promotion of bell ringing. For any other purpose please contact us, | ![]() |