History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringers from the past

Philip Anthony Corby

Date of Birth22/06/1917
Date of Death09/06/1992
Date of Funeral19/06/1992
Age at death74
Trade or profession

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 723 24/07/1992
The Ringing World page 724 24/07/1992
The Ringing World page 811 21/08/1992
The Ringing World page 928 18/09/1992
Report and Newsletter page 3 01/04/1993


Leicester Diocesan Guild
London County Association (1903-1928)
Kent County Association
Ancient Society of College Youths
Central Council of Church Bellringers

Society offices held: From 1947-1953 he was the first Peal Secretary of the Kent County Association; he was General Secretary from 1962-1969. Finally he was chairman of the Association from 1978-1981 and also a Vice-President from 1970.



Place of BirthSutton on the Isle of Ely
Began ringing atLangdon Hills
Location mentioned in obituaryChiddingstone


Notable performances: He rang 1269 peals in total, including peals at both St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey. He rang several silent and non-conducted peals, including the first silent ones of four and five Spliced Surprise Major.

First peal

Plain Bob Royal
Date of Thousandth peal09/08/1975
Total peals rung1269
Total peals conducted0

Participation in Central Council activities

Offices held: In 1981 he was elected a Life member of the Council and also became Vice-President of the Council. In 1984 he was elected President of the Central Council

Meetings attended: 39

1939London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1940London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1941London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1942London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1943London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1944London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1945London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1951Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1952Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1953Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1954Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1954Leicester Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1955Leicester Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1956Leicester Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1957Leicester Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1958Leicester Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1959Leicester Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1960Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1961Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1962Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1963Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1964Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1965Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1966Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1967Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1968Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1969Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1970Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1971Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1972Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1973Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1974Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1975Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1976Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1977Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1978Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1979Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1980Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1981Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1982Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1983Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1984Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1985Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1986Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1987Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1988Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1989Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1990Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1991Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1992Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member

Not in Rolls of Honour

Philip Anthony Corby

Date of Birth22/06/1917
Date of Death09/06/1992
Date of Funeral19/06/1992
Age at death74
Trade or profession

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 723 24/07/1992
The Ringing World page 724 24/07/1992
The Ringing World page 811 21/08/1992
The Ringing World page 928 18/09/1992
Report and Newsletter page 3 01/04/1993


Leicester Diocesan Guild
London County Association (1903-1928)
Kent County Association
Ancient Society of College Youths
Central Council of Church Bellringers

Society offices held: From 1947-1953 he was the first Peal Secretary of the Kent County Association; he was General Secretary from 1962-1969. Finally he was chairman of the Association from 1978-1981 and also a Vice-President from 1970.



Place of BirthSutton on the Isle of Ely
Began ringing atLangdon Hills
Location mentioned in obituaryChiddingstone


Notable performances: He rang 1269 peals in total, including peals at both St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey. He rang several silent and non-conducted peals, including the first silent ones of four and five Spliced Surprise Major.

First peal

Plain Bob Royal
Date of Thousandth peal09/08/1975
Total peals rung1269
Total peals conducted0

Participation in Central Council activities

Offices held: In 1981 he was elected a Life member of the Council and also became Vice-President of the Council. In 1984 he was elected President of the Central Council

Meetings attended: 39

1939London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1940London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1941London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1942London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1943London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1944London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1945London County Association (1903-1928)Society Representative
1951Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1952Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1953Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1954Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1954Leicester Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1955Leicester Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1956Leicester Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1957Leicester Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1958Leicester Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1959Leicester Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1960Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1961Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1962Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1963Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1964Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1965Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1966Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1967Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1968Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1969Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1970Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1971Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1972Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1973Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1974Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1975Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1976Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1977Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1978Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1979Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1980Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1981Kent County AssociationSociety Representative
1982Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1983Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1984Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1985Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1986Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1987Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1988Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1989Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1990Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1991Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1992Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member

Not in Rolls of Honour

  © CCCBR. Material on this website may be freely used for any purpose in connection with the promotion of bell ringing. For any other purpose please contact us, Central Council