History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringers from the past

Robert George Knowles

Date of Birth12/04/1866
Date of Death22/08/1942
Date of Funeral26/09/1942
Age at death76
Trade or professionCarpenter & Wheelwright

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 557 11/12/1942


Worcester and Districts Association
Worcestershire Association

Society offices held: Secretary Western Branch, Worcestershire Association for 15 years. Master of Worcestershire Association 1928-1932.

Awaiting photo.


Place of BirthMadresfield, Worcs
Began ringing atMadresfield
TowersHanley Castle, Malvern Link
Location mentioned in obituaryMadresfield


Notable performances: First peal as conductor 15th April 1895, Holt's 10-part Grandsire Triples at Holme Lacy, Herefs.

First peal

Grandsire Doubles
St. Mary, Hanley Castle
Total peals rung337
Total peals conducted37

Participation in Central Council activities

1927Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1928Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1929Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1930Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1931Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1932Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1933Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1934Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1935Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1936Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative

Not in Rolls of Honour

Robert George Knowles

Date of Birth12/04/1866
Date of Death22/08/1942
Date of Funeral26/09/1942
Age at death76
Trade or professionCarpenter & Wheelwright

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 557 11/12/1942


Worcester and Districts Association
Worcestershire Association

Society offices held: Secretary Western Branch, Worcestershire Association for 15 years. Master of Worcestershire Association 1928-1932.

Awaiting photo.


Place of BirthMadresfield, Worcs
Began ringing atMadresfield
TowersHanley Castle, Malvern Link
Location mentioned in obituaryMadresfield


Notable performances: First peal as conductor 15th April 1895, Holt's 10-part Grandsire Triples at Holme Lacy, Herefs.

First peal

Grandsire Doubles
St. Mary, Hanley Castle
Total peals rung337
Total peals conducted37

Participation in Central Council activities

1927Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1928Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1929Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1930Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1931Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1932Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1933Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1934Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1935Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative
1936Worcester and Districts AssociationSociety Representative

Not in Rolls of Honour

  © CCCBR. Material on this website may be freely used for any purpose in connection with the promotion of bell ringing. For any other purpose please contact us, Central Council