History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringing Societies

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Verona Association

Society NameDescriptionsFrom (year)To (year)Web site
Verona Association

This Association is in Italy in the area surrounding Verona. There are several other systems of ringing in Italy as well as the Veronese one. [Research by John Harrison.]


Books in the Council Library

TitleAuthorDateNotesAcquisition Number
Censimento dei concerti a sistema veronese1990List of towers with bells hung for Veronese style of ringing 2006
Rules 23rd November 1983 English Translation1983Word-processor print-out 1859
Hanno scritto di noi: rassegna della stampa 1981-19901990Photocopies of press cuttings relating to the Association’s activities 2007
Statuto. In allegato: reglolamento per gare e rassegne campanarie1986 2008
Raccolta di suonate classiche per campane a celebrazione dei 110 anni della nascita di Pietro Sancassani.Andrea Consolaro (compiler)1991 2041
Pietro Sancassoni: maestro di arte campanariaGiancarlo Tommasi1991Duplicated typescript 2042

Accounts of the lives of members (Navigation at foot of page)

NamePlace(s)Other societiesDate of death
Giancarlo Tommasi Place of Birth: Verona
Began ringing at: Avesa

Peal Statistics

Statistics sourced from the annual reports of the Council Peal Analysis Committee will be shown here

The tables will need to be digitised first. A job for 2024.

Verona Association

Society NameDescriptionsFrom (year)To (year)Web site
Verona Association

This Association is in Italy in the area surrounding Verona. There are several other systems of ringing in Italy as well as the Veronese one. [Research by John Harrison.]


Books in the Council Library

TitleAuthorDateNotesAcquisition Number
Censimento dei concerti a sistema veronese1990List of towers with bells hung for Veronese style of ringing 2006
Rules 23rd November 1983 English Translation1983Word-processor print-out 1859
Hanno scritto di noi: rassegna della stampa 1981-19901990Photocopies of press cuttings relating to the Association’s activities 2007
Statuto. In allegato: reglolamento per gare e rassegne campanarie1986 2008
Raccolta di suonate classiche per campane a celebrazione dei 110 anni della nascita di Pietro Sancassani.Andrea Consolaro (compiler)1991 2041
Pietro Sancassoni: maestro di arte campanariaGiancarlo Tommasi1991Duplicated typescript 2042

Accounts of the lives of members (Navigation at foot of page)

NamePlace(s)Other societiesDate of death
Giancarlo Tommasi Place of Birth: Verona
Began ringing at: Avesa

Peal Statistics

Statistics sourced from the annual reports of the Council Peal Analysis Committee will be shown here

The tables will need to be digitised first. A job for 2024.

  © CCCBR. Material on this website may be freely used for any purpose in connection with the promotion of bell ringing. For any other purpose please contact us, Central Council